Culblean Hill
We met at the Cambus O May car park, heading though the forest we came across an old quarry, from there we followed what seemed to be an embankment of an old railway line. We hit the track between Crannach Hill and Culblean Hill, carrying along this we stopped for morning coffee and to enjoy the view back down the valley.
We left the track and heather bashed our way up to the summit of Culblean Hill.
After a bit more heather bashing we reached the track which took us to Redburn, we had lunch here checking out the workmanship on the dry stone dyke. From here Bob's instructions did have us going back on tracks all the way to the car park, but the tracks weren't marked on the map and we didn't fancy any more heather bashing. With only an hour and half of daylight left we decided to cut down onto the road and cut back onto the track at Lochhead. It was a lovely track thought the forest if we had time, it looked like there was a nice route down to the Burn O Vat. Big thank you to Bob for planning our route!